The Metchosin Farmers' Institute
The Metchosin Farmers’ Institute (MFI) is one of over 30 Farmers’ Institutes located throughout British Columbia. Farmers’ Institutes are incorporated under the British Columbia Farmers and Womens’ Institutes Act, with the goal of promoting agriculture, agricultural activities, and enhancing the local community. The specific reasons for which an Institute may be incorporated are:
1. To improve conditions of rural life so that settlement may be permanent and prosperous;
2. To promote the theory and practice of agriculture;
3. To arrange on behalf of its members for the purchase, distribution or sale of commodities, supplies or products; and
4. To act generally on behalf of its members in all matters incidental to agricultural pursuits and rural development.
As times and conditions change, MFI has evolved and now concentrates its efforts on keeping the local, now largely urban community informed about the areas agricultural heritage through traditional agriculture events such as our spring and fall fairs, as well as through the sponsorship of and support to the Luxton Antique Farm Equipment Club, Metchosin 4H Club, and the Vancouver Island Blacksmith’s Association.
For more information on MFI, please call (250) 478-2759, For further information on Farmers’ Institutes in general, or to find the location of a specific institute, visit the BC Farmers’ Institutes webpage. You can also contact the Ministry of Agriculture at

News & Items of Interest for Farmers:
Groundwater use licensing deadline: 1 March 2022 – Click to learn more.
Learn About MFI & Local History
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