The Metchosin Farmers’ Institute
Luxton Fairgrounds
The Metchosin Farmers’ Institute (MFI) is a volunteer organization chartered under the British Columbia Farmers and Womens’ Institutes Act, with the goal of promoting agriculture, agricultural activities, and enhancing the local community. MFI is one of the oldest continually operating Farmers’ Institutes in the province.
MFI owns, maintains and operates on the Luxton Fairgrounds. Named for Arthur Philip Luxton who first settled in the area in the latter part of the nineteenth century, we are located in Langford and host numerous clubs and service organizations including the Luxton Antique Farm Equipment Club, the Vancouver Island Blacksmiths, Metchosin 4H, and Triangle Little League.
We are home to the Spring Fair on the Victoria Day long weekend in May, and the Luxton Fall Fair every September. We also have numerous facilities including meeting and event spaces, an equestrian ring, and outdoor areas available for rent.

Clubs and Organizations at the Fairgrounds
The Metchosin Farmers’ Instiute and Luxton Fairgrounds are located at 1040 Marwood Ave, in Langford, between Happy Valley and Luxton Roads.
Our mailing address is:
Metchosin Farmers Institute
1040 Marwood Ave
Victoria, BC
V9C 3C4